# Store

A store instance contains the following properties:

  • addModel (Function)

    Allows you to dynamically add a "slice" to your model. Useful in applications adopting code splitting strategies that wish to dynamically load slices of their models as required.

    const store = createStore(model);
    store.addModel('todos', {
      items: ['Buy shoes'],
    store.getState().todos.items; // ["Buy shoes"]

    When executed you will be returned an object containing the following properties:

    • resolveRehydration (() => Promise)

      If you are utilising persist within your dynamically added model, and the configured storage engine is asynchronous then you can execute this helper function to get a handle on a Promise that resolves when the data for your dynamically added model has rehydrated.

  • clearMockedActions (Function)

    If the mockActions configuration value was passed to the createStore then calling this function clears the list of mocked actions that have been tracked by the store. This is useful in the context of testing - especially thunks and listeners.

  • dispatch (Function)

    Allows you to manually dispatch actions, ala Redux.

  • getActions (Function)

    Returns the actions of your store.

  • getListeners (Function)

    Returns the listener actions of your store (i.e. actionOn and thunkOn). Useful if you would like to manually execute a listener for the purpose of testing.

  • getMockedActions (Function)

    If the mockActions configuration value was passed to the createStore then calling this function will return the actions that have been dispatched (and mocked). This is useful in the context of testing - especially thunks and listeners.

  • getState (Function)

    Returns the state of your store.

  • persist (Object)

    This API is useful if you have are making use of persist configurations within your model. It contains the following properties:

    • clear (() => Promise)

      When executed it will clear all data from all the configured persistence storage locations.

    • flush (() => Promise)

      When executed it will ensure an outstanding persistence operations are completed. When they have done so then the Promise will resolve. This is particularly helpful in scenarios such as ensuring the persistence has completed prior to the user navigating away from your application.

    • resolveRehydration (() => Promise)

      When executed returns a Promise that resolves when the store has completed the rehydration on state from the persisted storage locations. This is useful during the initial rendering of your application. You could await on this resolution prior to rendering your application in order to ensure all the persisted data has been rehydrated.

  • reconfigure (Function)

    Allows you to reconfigure the store by providing a new/updated model. The existing state of the store will be maintained. This is especially useful in supporting hot reloading.

    const store = createStore(model);
  • removeModel (Function)

    Allows you to dynamically remove a "slice" from your model. Useful in applications adopting code splitting strategies that wish to dynamically remove a slices of their model when a specific component tree unmounts.

    const store = createStore(model);
    store.getState().todos; // undefined